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  • Press office

First close: Ethos Mid Market Fund I

Press release

First close for Ethos Mid Market Fund I. This critical milestone means that we are now ‘open for business’ and able to deploy capital.

Ethos Mid Market Fund I is a Black-managed, mid-market focussed fund in South Africa. A combination of strong private equity execution skills and significant empowerment credentials gives us a distinct competitive advantage.


Ethos Mid Market Fund I will invest in:

  • Leverage buyout transactions with Enterprise Values of between R500 million to R1.5 billion, where we will deploy R100-350 million in equity

  • High-growth potential companies where we can create sustainable value by actively optimising strategy, operations and capital structures

  • Opportunities where BEE partnership can be leveraged for sustained growth (Ethos Mid Market Fund provides 100% net value points on capital deployed)

We will seek to be the lead shareholder or have significant influence in all our investments.


With 32 years history, Ethos has an unparalleled record of successful, sustainable investing across economic and political cycles.

The Mid Market Fund will follow Ethos’ proven investment discipline and leverage the Group’s proprietary networks, differentiated Value Add offering and extensive reach.


We have a dedicated team of experienced investment professionals, representing over 50 years combined private equity and investment experience.


We are actively looking at family-owned and/or entrepreneurial businesses, corporate spin-offs, and optimisation opportunities where we can accelerate growth.

Together with management teams, we will develop and enable strategic objectives, provide a third-party perspective on performance, design appropriate incentive structures and implement high-standards of governance and financial reporting.


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